Book Summary

Louie The Lobster Mobster

“Louis The Lobster Mobster” Is there anyone in this underworld community who can stand up to Louie and his mob? This is a clever story about good versus evil. A dapper wealthy lobster and his sea creature mobster crew shake down hard-working businesses that are trying to make a living. Good eventually triumphs over evil showing that crime ultimately does not pay. The heroes here are the business owners and the forces of good. Alone they are vulnerable and easily bullied, but together they are strong and ultimately prevail.

Hard Cover Print ISBN: 9780981974521

eBook ISBN: 978-0-9827596-9-1

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  • Louie The Lobster Mobster

    I quite enjoyed reading your book, “Louie The Lobster Mobster” this book is very captivating and the illustrations are cute and comical.  It is now a favorite bedtime story on my 5year old cousin's bookshelf.

    -zoe wells

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